Promoting Traditional Skills for Tomorrow.
We now face a desperate sense of urgency to address heritage skills training and this educational failing. Before these skills are lost, with those who have them. We can be leaders in Australia by standing up to offer certified training in Heritage Building and Construction, as well as accreditation in the industry. The Heritage Skills Project aims to address the need for heritage skills training and accreditation in Western Australia. To support the next generation through training/upskilling, in acquiring the specialist skills required for works on heritage properties. While supporting an aging skilled population, that can transfer the skills, to protect and promote our states heritage. Funding heritage skill training is an investment in Western Australia. It will fill a skills gap and provide new employment opportunities for young people, as well as those already with a level of skills in the building and construction industry. The preservation of our heritage assets enables their ongoing use, boosts tourism, creates local livable spaces and upholds our state as a leader in heritage management. While creating a sense of place and belonging, in our communities. Focus of the project is to work at a local level. We need to demonstrate support for upskilling Western Australians and preserving our states heritage, while focusing on priories of partnerships, cross collaborations, employment, engagement, community, youth, well being & livable cities. This is a confirmation that our history and the skills of our people and community, are not only worth preserving, but worth celebrating.
Written by Y. Cool & B. van Aller
Heritage Skills
At last! A program to make sure heritage skills and hence valuable heritage properties and assets are maintained. Many thanks.