Breathing life back into the heritage places of interest by sharing artisan craft skills, at a local level.
The Association will gather:
Organisations or Individuals and by participating be connected to: industry, government, key stakeholders, community, professionals and artisans in heritage.
Heritage Artisans and Heritage Professional Specialists, who are eager to educate or up-skill others in their skills and knowledge, will have a forum and platform to share their skills.
People wanting to develop artisan skills.
Contractors or Professions who want to develop artisan skills.
Community groups and individuals who have a keen interest in participating and conserving heritage places
Working at a local level preserving of our heritage assets enables their ongoing use, boosts tourism, creates local livable spaces and upholds our state as a leader in heritage management.
Our Vision
Sharing skills to repair and
care for heritage places.
Our Mission
To promote:
Heritage skill capability levels.
Standards of restoring heritage places.
Long-term actions that considers the future legacy.
Values of heritage places on economy, environment & communities
To support:
Collaboration and partnerships, in the re-activation of heritage places for functional reuse.
Development of heritage skills, for a sustainable future.
Transferal of heritage skills, to protect heritage places & bridge the educational gap.
Regeneration of rural and remote communities by working and training at a local level.
To supply:
Expertise at a local level, that can maintain, care & repair heritage places.
To advocate:
For the formal acknowledgement of skills, competency’s & qualifications, of quality artisan skills.
To deliver:
Exemplary heritage conservation outcomes.